My Name Is Cat...

golden bomber image from wikipedia

And this is my website!!!!!!!

Like I said, my name's Cat ^.^ I'm Egyptian, a Leo (08.01), a girl, and a student more or less. I speak both Arabic and English (my arabic kinda sucks for a slew of reasons) and im learning Japanese too. I can understand it to an extent but stuff like my grammar and enunciation are nowhere near good m(_ _)m

I assume that's all the important stuff i have to mention...that and ill just block you if i dont like you...i have every right to do so after all!

I like Golden Bomber a lot if it isnt already favorite member is Kenji. I have a phone charm of him attached to my phone (the one with him in the Golden Album suit) and besides them, i also really like other v-kei bands (S.Q.F, L'yse:nore, Waive, An Cafe...etc) and j-pop but mainly Perfume and hy4_4yh! Talk to me about j-music in general anytime ^^ I also enjoy HTML (duh), parapara, j-fashion (shocking), and Egyptian romcoms (my favorite has been and always will be is Doctor Omar's Gang. its cute...)

I started this site in August of 2021 as a Hideo Suwa fansite, but i made it more personal after a bit, and I eventually deleted most pages in mid-2023 with intents to start over. I had exams. I never started over. And then in December 2023, i finally revisited my site and this is what its become be fair i still have exams so i may abandon this site at times, but its always in my memory!!! ;_; you'll notice some messy source code, this is because im utilizing an old visual editor (MS Sharepoint 2007) that i originally used for an ICT course...

I mainly wanna talk about the things i like on here, share my collections of things, et cetera. I hope you all enjoy this site as much as me, and i also hope you can gain a thing or two from it. itd mean a lot to me if this site helped or inspired you in any way. thank you for reading!!! ^.^ buhbai


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